Sunday 28 December 2014

Youth and socialization


Internalization of Learning and Socialization

Definition of Youth

  •  Youth is a group of the young man who still need coaching and development to better direction so as to continue and fill development is now underway.
  •  It is a period of transition psychologically and very problematic.
  •  It is a group that is easily influenced by the mass media.
  • It is as an individual and a transition that does not have in-depth assessment of the norms, ethics and religion.

Indonesian Youth

Youth in understanding human-human is young, but in Indonesia in connection with coaching youth program specified and explicit understanding of youth with certainty. Judging from the age group, the youth of Indonesia are as follows:
  • Infancy: 0-1 years,
  • Childhood: 1-12 years
  • Puberty: 12-15 years
  • Youth Period: 15-21 years
  • Adulthood: 21 years and older

Ages 0-18 years is a young human resources, 16-21 years of age is seen has had personal maturity and 18 (21) years is the age that has been allowed to be both public and private employees. In terms of political ideology, young people are those aged 18-30 - 40 years, as a replacement candidate for the previous generation.

Definition of Socialization

       Socialization is a process of understanding and rules from one generation to the next in a group or society.
Charlotte Buhler. Socialization is also a process to help individuals to learn and adapt on how to live and how to think in the group in order to play a role and function for the group.

Socialization process

  1. Preparation Phase (Preparatory Stage), Phase experienced when people are born, when a child is preparing for the world to know about the social and self-understanding.
  2. Imitating Stage (Stage Play), At this stage the child is able to mimic the roles performed by adults and at once began to form awareness of self name and the name of the parents, brother and so on.
  3. Ready Stage Acting, In this stage impersonation has begun to diminish and be replaced by a direct role played by himself to full consciousness by myself. At this stage they have started to realize that the demand to defend the family and and cooperate to friends. They also are able to interact more and increasingly complex relationship.
  4. Acceptance Stage Collective Norma, at this stage they are considered adults, are able to put themselves in the society at large. He was able to tolerate not only to those who communicate with him but also with the wider community.

Socialization Media

  • Parents and family
  • School
  • Community
  • Playmate
  •  Mass Media.

Role of Mass Media:

  •  To fulfill the wishes and express identity
  •  To prove that the They can be separated from parents
  •  Meet the needs of adolescents obtain Sasama accessibility

Main purpose of Socialization

  • Individual should be given knowledge (skills) needed for later life in society.
  • Individual must be able to communicate effectively and develop abilities.
  • Control of organic functions learned through introspective exercises right.
  • Acting behavior in harmony to norms or values and fundamental beliefs exist in the institution or group in particular and the general public.

The social role of youth and students in the community

a) The role of youth based on the efforts of youth to adjust to the environment.
b) The role of the youth who refuse elements adjust to the environment.
c) The principle of educational
d) The principle of unity of the nation
e) The principle of swakarsa
f) The principle of harmony and integrated
g) The principle of empowerment and functionalitation

Youth and identity

 Youth is a generation that his back burdened with various expectations
 Have a problem that varies
 positive potentials can be developed

Basic Pattern Development and Development of Young Generation

1. Platform idiil: Pancasila
2. Constitutional Platform: 1945
3. Strategic Platform: State Guidelines
4. Historical Platform: Youth Pledge 1928 and the Declaration of Independence
5. Normative Platform: Ethics, Values, and Ancestral Traditions

Problems of Youths Generation

  • Decrease spirit of idealism, patriotism and nationalism.
  • Lack of certainty of the young generation in the future.
  • Not imbalance between the number of young people to educational facilities in the can, both formal and non-formal.
  • At least employment / job opportunities and higher levels. unemployment is half of the unemployment among the young generation.
  • Lack of nutrition can cause barriers to the development and growth of intelligence agencies among the younger generation.
  • There is still a lot of underage marriages, particularly in rural areas.
  • Promiscuity harmful Increased juvenile delinquency and drug abuse There are no regulations regarding the younger generation.

Potentials of Youths

  •  Idealism and critical power. Sociologically, the younger generation is still not well established in the existing order that still has many shortcomings and is reasonably able to look for new ideas.
  •  Dynamics and creativity. The existence of idealism contained in the younger generation, the potential dynamism and creativity is the ability and willingness to make a change, renewal and improvement of the existing deficiencies or propose new alternatives.
  •  The courage to take risks. Change and renewal in the development of risk that can be missed, delayed or failed. But in taking risks is necessary if we want to progress.
  •  Optimistic spirit and excitement. Failure does not cause discouraged young people. Spirit of optimism and excitement owned power generation is driving young people to try to go forward again.
  •  The attitude of independence and pure discipline. The younger generation has always had the desire to always be independent in attitude or action.
  •  Educated. Although taking account of dropping out of school, as a whole both in quantitative and qualitative sense.

Universities and Education

Developing Potential Youths

  •  Held a joint project .
  •  Research competition.
  •  Organizing the development of young workers in exploring natural resources of Indonesia.

Definition of Education and Higher Education

           Education is a learning process that is obtained by every human being in order to make a man understand, understand and have extensive knowledge and making it more critical in thinking. Education can be obtained formally or informally.

           College is a continuation of secondary education is organized to prepare students who have academic ability and professional.

Importance of received higher education 

  •  Youth must be able to have an extensive knowledge 
  •  Various Ethnic and Racial will converge in the form of Acculturation 
  •  A wider view

Conclusion :

        So, the youth is very important in the affairs of the country's progress. youth should be given a higher education and received special training. youth gets high expectetion from old generation to continue the next generation. image of youth in a country, proving how tu countries will develop. Indonesian youth is expected to bring Indonesia more prosperous and developed. mass media affect youths generation, the media should gave positive value for them.

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