Monday 16 January 2017

TUGAS Softskill Pembelajaran B.inggris Berbantuan Komputer

NPM      : 11613057
CLASS  : 4SA01


10.  Alaska found the first years of its statehood costly because it had to take over the expense of services ________ previously by the federal government.

a.       To provide                                                 c. providing
b.      Be provided                                               d. provided

ANSWER : in my opinion, d. provided is the best answer, because the sentence should have parallel tenses. look at word found and had, and 'past' tenses so choose verb 3 to complete the blank, thats the clue.


5.   Underlying aerodynamics and all other branches of theoretical mechanics are the laws of
   A                  B                                             C
motion who were developed in the seventeenth century.

ANSWER : who is for person/people, and 'who' in that question is wrong because it should be that or which (simply its not a person). for me, the best answer is d. who.


7.   After listening to Humphry Davy, Faraday realized that ________`
a.       Wanting to be a scientist
b.      Being a scientist
c.       Wanted to be a scientist
d.      He wanted to be a scientist

ANSWER : in no. 7, the question need S+V to make it a complete sentence. i choose d. He wanted to be a scientist